Suzuki GN400XX

Suzuki GN400XX
out with the old in with the cafe

Monday, May 3, 2010

This is Spring?

Wow! Can you believe that it's been a month since the last post? Actually it was just back in late April. And you know the old saying, "April showers bring May flowers." You hear that and reach the next logical conclusion. RIDING WEATHER!!! Yeah right. This first weekend of May and now first weekday (Monday)... Rain! Cold rain at that.
Well what can you say, it's Seattle anyway. It was great to see that there were still some riders out there on Sunday. In the cold weather. Don't get the wrong perception. I'm as willing to ride in poor weather as the real moto-journalist, Peter Egan, except I don't have the luxury of owning a bevy a bikes to suit my whim or the current riding conditions. Along with the fact that I gave away my rain jacket to a green-horn rider who bought a FZR 600 that had been converted to strictly track and back again. He had no endorsement, little experience and the reattached custom head-light was big enough to read a book in the dark with. Along with that his idea of protective riding gear was "work-out gloves" and a fleece hoody. So I gave him my "spare" riding jacket. That was the contrast to my leather one. That happened to be water-proof. And my leather one isn't. So thus I've not done much riding in the rain.

So by the way if anyone of my thousands of readers want's to pass along their large, used rain jacket for motorcycles to this wanna-be moto-jouranlist, feel free to contact me. Even better, if you want to donate your BMW uber-bike or spare super-motard cause your upgrading to this years model (are you reading this Peter? Or anyone for that matter), this unemployed blog-head will take it. Either way keep the shiny side up and enjoy, kinda spring riding.

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